• Heat Pump
    Hot Water System

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All-around solution for your heating needs

In 2019 with the latest acquisition by Waterco, SolarMate has actively venture into sustainable heating technology under the brand name of VitaHeat. SolarMate now provides not only for solar hot water system but also heat pump for residential, commercial building, industrial, swimming pool & spa.
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Our system is great, we have not been without hot water at any time. There have been only a few days that we needed to switch on the backup heater because of cloudy weather. Most days that have clouds still have enough solar heat available to provide for our hot water needs. And our storage tank stores enough heat for a couple of days if we are conservative with our hot water usage when it is extremely cloudy.

We have not been using the electric heaters to heat up the water for more than two months, I guess. It really helps us to save on the electricity bill. We are happy with the system so far, I think this is one of the greatest deal I had in quite some time.

Mr. Ong

Owner - Solarmate hot water system (Installed in year 2013)


Everytime when it comes to designing a heated pool and spa system, my team and I will always prefer to go with heat pumps due to various advantages it has. Our responsibilities are not only limited to designing the system, but also to ensure our clients are getting future-proof solutions which last longer, energy efficient, and help to ease the worsening climate problems.  

Heat pumps use very little electrical energy to heat up the pool and spa water, some models can even convert the electrical energy to heat energy with the ratio of 1 to 6. That is the reason why we prefer heat pumps, the working principle is simply a great invention for heating purposes.

Ivan Goh

Engineering consultant 


We have the solar hot water system installed at a few places in the hospital. The generated hot water will be used for laundry, kitchen, and hostel bathroom. I have not faced any major issues with these installations since the Solarmate team handed over to us. From time to time, I will have to switch on the backup heater when the weather turns cloudy for days. Maintenance team will clean the heat collector panel quarterly so that the hot water supply is consistent and uninterrupted. I think the solar hot water system requires the least attention compared to other equipment in the hospital. 

Our management decided to bring in the solar hot water system with the intention of cutting down the electricity bill. During the last meeting we had, the management announced that the savings from these years had just surpassed the cost of investment for the solar hot water system.The management claimed that this is a very successful investment, and the savings can be allocated for other upgrades in the hospital. 


Facilities manager - Hospital in Ipoh


Digiheat Inline Heater is one of the best sellers in the market. Not only the customers like this product, I personally like this product as well. The heaters come in small packing which makes it easy for stock keeping, delivery, and the installation is quite simple as well. For the customers, they like it because of the minimum set up and simple controller layout. Pools can be heated up anytime at their fingertips without going through complicated procedures. 

Steve Ma

Business owner of pool shop


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Toll-Free Number: +1800 22 1688
Phone: +603 6145 6000
Fax: +603 6145 6001
Mobile: +6011 6520 1088
Email: enquiry@solarmate.com.my
(A member of the Waterco Group of Companies)

Lot 832, Jalan Kusta
Kawasan Perindustrian SB Jaya,
47000 Sg, Buloh Selangor, Malaysia

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your electricity bill and the planet.”